Current Playlist

Yay, the server is back up. So yesterday I spent a little time going through the mp3 files we have, and I have made a playlist. My recent track listings from mainly consisted of Nirvana for the last couple of weeks, that was really the only music I had available to me, though I do love them plenty, it’s not the only thing I listen to. Over the next two weeks this should change significantly.

I find that music tends to keep me sane and happy, so I like to listen to plenty of it. The darkest times in my life have always seemed to be when I stopped listening to any music at all.

So my plan for today is play music, and read scammer emails. I’m gonna post a bunch of them to the scambaiter blog so make sure to check it out ;) And YAY for Bon Jovi, and Kylie Minogue, and Robbie Williams, and A-ha, and Guns and Roses, and INXS, and Silverchair, and U2, and Metallica, and Nirvana!

My signature on Scambaits always contains some song lyrics and I’m sure I’ll come across some new ones today, I like to change them often because what I am thinking and listening to often changes. ;)

music, scambaiting

Yeah I know

I’m blogging like there’s no tomorrow today ;)

If you look in my side bar down a little bit, you’ll see last week’s stats on what I have been listening to. I seem to be overdosing on Nirvana a little. However there is a reasonable explanation. 1. I am addicted to their music right now and can’t stop playing it. 2. The network box has been down for a few days and the only music on my playlist I could actually play was Nirvana.

New bits for the server box have been ordered and are on the way so soon the Linux server will be back up and this means reliable music playing 24/7 so things will get different then.

The track which I expect will go to the top of my playlist with a bullet next week is the one I am listening to now – t.A.T.u – 30 Minutes – lastfm is excellent, I really love it, whose idea was that again? I can’t remember who told me about it now.. If you don’t use you should be using it. Seriously. You can either use it with your winamp type program or listen via their streaming or something. Check it out here.


DVD Commentary Tracks

I’ve been a little inspired by this blog here today during my read through of the usual suspects. My first thought on reading this was – do people still buy cd’s? Over the past couple of years I have bought two, to be precise. Metallica’s The Black Album and Guy Sebastian’s A Beautiful Life and that’s only because I am a huge fan of his. But don’t shoot me, we’re all entitled to like stuff whether it’s good or shyte. ;)

I’m not into reading CD liners but I am really into listening to DVD commentary tracks. Over the past 24 hours I have listened to two – Top Gun (Tony Scott, Jerry Bruckheimer and writer Jack Epps, along with technical advisors Captain Mike Galpin, Pete Pettigrew and Vice Admiral Mike McCabe) and Pretty Woman (Director Garry Marshall).

The question you’re probably asking is, why do I love commentary tracks? If you have never sat down and listened to one yourself you might wonder what the heck I am on about. Take a movie that you really enjoy or love, and then get a whole new dimension added to it by people who were involved in the making of it or even acted in it perhaps. I’ve listened to probably more than 50 of them over the last couple of years, I don’t like to buy a DVD unless it contains a commentary and I have noticed now that sometimes they are adding commentaries to movies which means I have to buy another copy! This happened with both Romeo + Juliet and Top Gun – I now have early copies without any extra features which I may as well use as coasters because I value the new copies a lot more.

So the ones I listened to yesterday were just completely fascinating. Top Gun is a movie which I do love – mainly for the opening sequence more than anything. I’ve been demonstrating that to customers for about 14 years – I used to have it on laserdisc and I used to demonstrate it on a $10,000 THX system we had in a sound lounge in the very first store I worked in. The sound on that movie is incredible, there’s no doubt about it.

Seriously, if you have a decent surround sound system, go play just the opening sequence at a fairly high volume and you’ll see why I used to sell so many of those THX systems and surround sound systems in general. There’s something so indescribable in that opening sequence. 9 times out of ten it actually makes my eyes water and the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. So it was hilarious to hear Tony Scott say that he was fired 3 times from Top Gun and one of the times was for that opening sequence footage.

The Pretty Woman commentary track was just lovely. Garry Marshall was the director of a lot of stuff I really loved when growing up, including Happy Days. You’d think one guy would have trouble carrying a track all on his own but he talked for most of the way through the movie about all kinds of stuff, and he was funny and friendly and so interesting. I didn’t realise until he mentioned it that he also directed The Princess Diaries which I also loved, one of the major reasons being Hector Elizondo who plays a similar type of character to his Pretty Woman role.

I’ll sit down and put together a list of some of my all time favourite commentary tracks over the next week or so, just in case anyone is interested. In the meantime, you might want to check out ratethatcommentary and see if your favourite movie has a track and then go find a copy of it to watch.

There’s also Wikipedia with info on alternate commentary tracks, which is something I may have to look into, sounds interesting! ;) and a really interesting quote from Jack Nicholson..

Commentary Tracks, movies, music

Crickets = good. Crack = bad.

It seems to be summer again. It was 35 degrees C here today and for the first time this year I wore shorts and flippy shoes yay! The other half and I had the day off so we went to Shellharbour (over 50kms) to go shopping. We got us some nice dvd’s including a new issue of Top Gun with commentary track. I am looking forward to watching that. ;)

They have a Starbucks there and I had a new frappucino thing called Pumpkin Spice, it was amazingly nice. Wow, that rhymes. We also left our car with the car washing people and while we wandered round the shopping centre it got cleaned w00t that is wicked, definately going to do that again.

On the way back we stopped at this spot of beach near Gerringong and the sand was truly golden and warm and beautiful. I took off my flippy shoes and we went for a walk on it.

The music was great today, plenty of Nirvana and Metallica and Lukas and Toby, much singing along was done. I’m going to take some of the rest of the day off, maybe even all of it, even though I have a lot of baiting work to do. I’m here alone tomorrow and Sunday so I’ll work while the other half is at work.

We were looking for music dvd’s but didn’t really find what we were looking for. The music store was playing Marcia Hines new cd Discotheque and it was actually quite nice, I almost bought it but the other half grabbed it out of my hand and said he didn’t want to encourage her. Fair enough I guess.. :) That doesn’t mean I can’t buy it when he’s not there.. hehe

Oh back to the title of this post. The great thing about summer is the crickets. I love to go to sleep hearing that comforting chirp. Last year I had crickets outside my window but they haven’t come back yet ;( Hopefully soon. The bad thing about summer is people not wearing enough clothes. Because this is a holiday destination, you’ll see more ass crack at the local Mcdonalds in the carpark than you ever want to see in your lifetime.

As we were driving out of town today there was a fire in the middle of the road. Someone must have dropped a cigarette and it set the median nature strip on fire! ;( I’m always worried my Dad is going to set fire to things, and I wanted to buy these to stop him from doing it. I figure 72 of them is a pretty good deal, and if they’re everywhere there’s a good chance he’ll use them. But of course now they are sold out! ;(

country life, music

A bit more Toby Rand

A quick update on life in the Snoskred world –

1. I got some skype credit and I was in a bit of a mood thanks to a mod from a forum I hang out at. To put my happy face on I tried to call some Nigerian Scammers about 5am their time, but the inconsiderate bastards had their phones switched off! Now how can they wake up to me swearing at them? So I just emailed a few of them angrily instead.

2. I am feeling better mostly. But throat still painful. :(

3. I had ordered a pink pool cue to go with the pool table, they forgot to bring it yesterday. They delivered it today to the other half at work. This could present a problem – see 4.

4. My parents still do not know there is a pool table here. I sense Armageddon style implosions when they do find out. Especially from my Mother, who is against people having fun in general. ;) And who suffered several months in fact more likely years at the hands of my Dad who bought a pool table which he kept in the shed then decided he had to build on a room to the house to accommodate it, so he took down the shed at which point the pool table moved into the lounge room taking up a great deal of space while a swimming pool was put in and then a big extension to the house and for all this time she had this huge pool table in her way – she made a board of wood to go over the top of it and used it to fold laundry on, she used it as a buffet table, and finally when the room was almost finished, Dad decided to sell the pool table.

5. Yes, my Dad is completely loopy! Scientists have confirmed it.

6. I have now played some pool and I have to say, the table is gorgeous. It is stunningly beautiful. I really love it. More pictures on the way, once I get the good camera out today and the cover off the table. I don’t think the other half will speak to me from now on unless I am playing pool. ;) I think I can spare a little time from my scambaiting to do that and I really should spend more time away from the computer, right, guys, right? ;)

7. If my parents find out how much that table cost, you will be able to hear me screaming once my Mother gets her hands on me from wherever in the world you are reading this. The only solution to this is to lie. However the other half and I better agree on the lie before we tell it otherwise things won’t work.

And then I forgot the Toby! Here is his original from Rock Star : Supernova. How can you not love a cute blond Aussie singing?

About Snoskred, Home, music

Karma Police

This song I had never heard before Toby Rand performed it on Rock Star : Supernova. It’s kind of got stuck in my head. Not as much as the Lukas songs have, but from time to time this just turns up. And really, I think one of the lyrics speak of scambaiting. ;) “This is what you get : When you mess with us”

Realistically, people do not realise just how good we scambaiters are at digging up information. People also do not realise just how much information they have put on the internet about themselves. Go google yourself. Google the names you use on forums. Google your email address. Google anything you can think of that might relate to you. And while I may be one of the world’s worst googlers, I have scambaiter friends(seriously if you are looking for something Sephy is the man to ask) who are the world’s best googlers.

Even if they can’t find a script for Clear and Present Danger online, mainly because it *isn’t* online anywhere, given enough info they can track you down.. ooo be wary when you mess with us.

I miss rock star, don’t ya’all? I keep watching things on you tube so I can get my Lukas Rossi fix..

music, television shows

Guy! What are you *thinking*?


First just let me say that I adore Guy Sebastian. I think he is a brilliant singer and devastatingly handsome. But his stylist must be on some drugs, or he is picking out these ghastly outfits himself – and his girlfriend Julie Egan, girlfriend! what is up with your fashion sense? ;)



I don’t pretend to be fashionable in any sense of the word, to be honest I hate clothes with a passion. However unfashionable I may be, I know that what I’m seeing in these pictures is wrong, very very wrong. Please, you guys.. get help. Seriously.. :) And sack that stylist.


Fashion, music

How did I not know this?


You will of course recognise the man in the middle of this photo as Kurt Cobain. But who is that next to him with the long hair?

I never knew Dave Grohl was in Nirvana until I flicked past a doco on Nirvana and found out that he was the drummer in the band. How lame does this make me sound? However, it seems I was not the only one. I found this out about two weeks ago now and I have since asked a lot of people who the guys were in Nirvana, and 80% of those surveyed said “Kurt Cobain and… wait, who were the other guys?”

You may not have recognised him in the pic above, but this one you should.


Please comment – did you know this? Or has it now come to you as a surprise?
