For the next couple of weeks, I would like to take you along with me on my favourite walk. Where will we be walking? Here.

Why do I love this particular footpath? There are many reasons – it involves two of my favourite towns in the world – Huskisson and Vincentia. It has a little bit of uphill and downhill but mostly it is flat. The scenery changes – you get sea and beach views, you get to look at some pretty fancy houses, you get greenery views, you walk past two caravan parks.. Let Us Go!

This is looking back towards one of the Huskisson caravan parks – the footpath follows alongside it for a little bit here.

This is the view looking in the opposite direction. We are up on a bit of a sea cliff here, not too high, but enough to climb a couple of floors according to Fitbit.

Here is a spot near Vincentia where houses are on one side of the footpath while sand dunes and the beach are on the other side. Many of the beach houses along here are worth over 1 million dollars and are available to rent on Stayz.com.au and various other websites. Many of the houses have their own websites! And mixed in with those, are occasional weatherboard shacks.

Some of the houses we have given nicknames to, and consider them as landmarks. This one here is known as the Circle House. It has a large balcony which follows the circular shape of this end of the house. We watched them build this house for a super long time, it was several years in the making.

There is also a small part of footpath where you have the beach and sand dunes, footpath, then a road, then houses. The road is called Illfracombe Road.

This spot has a bench where you can sit and watch everyone go by. I’m sitting on it, so you don’t get to see the bench. It is raised up a little, so you can see to the ocean.

There are several places on the path where you enter a tree tunnel. Very pretty!

Along the path there are many offshoot paths which take you down to the beach.
Next week, we will see what is at the end of this path, plus we’ll take a walk on the beach, because we can. :) And more footpath. :)
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