Sunday Selections Week 50

A couple of weeks ago I visited the local plant places – today I want to show you a couple of photos I took while there. Above you see Hydrangea – Strawberries and Cream. These were a little up money at $22 but I did like the look of them. I have never grown Hydrangea – if I were going to this is the one I would try. :)


This is Abutilons – also known as Chinese lanterns – I actually have three of these here. I do not have an orange one, though. This is gorgeous but also $22. So it was a no.


This is what I ended up buying – Portulaca Tropicana. The tag says that the flowers will be the tropical fruit colours of coconut, guava, watermelon and strawberry. This was $4.99, for 6 plants. Much more down money! Of course they are seedlings but my experience says they won’t be for long..

Would you like to join in with Sunday Selections?? The rules are very simple:-
1. post photos of your choice, old or new, under the Sunday Selections title
2. link back to River at Drifting Through Life, somewhere in your post
3. leave River a comment so that she knows you’ve joined in and can come over and see what you’ve posted.

Weekly Wrap Up –

A couple of weeks ago, finally after a long wait, Hungry Jacks opened up within 15km of where we live. Previously, we would have to drive an hour to get to one. The place is being absolutely hammered by locals and tourists at the moment, every single day it is packed at both lunch and dinner time. We went for dinner the second day they opened and I have to say the food was really great for fast food. It was super fresh.

Locally here, there are not a lot of fast food options – most of the things that are here eg chicken shops, fish and chips, hamburgers, they all usually close by 6:30 or 7pm. After that it is pretty much Mcdonalds, KFC or Oporto. There is something in Oporto which I do not react well to, so we removed that from our list of options a while ago. KFC have provided uncooked chicken on more than one occasion, so that is also a huge NO.

We do have a Dominos and an Eagle Boys, neither of which we like, we gave up on them a long time ago. There are a couple of decent wood fired pizza places.

We did have a great sushi place but the owners have become very unreliable. Often it will be closed when the opening hours say it will be open, sometimes with a sign on the door, sometimes with no explanation at all.

Last weekend we drove to Warrawong to buy chicken in bulk. I thought the new Hungry Jacks would have organised to put a sign up on the way into town by now but we did not see one.

Sunday Selections, weekly wrap up

Sunday Selections Week 49


It is the first Sunday of the month, which means Garden Day here on the blog. It also means Berry Market Day, for those in Berry or perhaps Sydney who might want to drive down one Sunday. I myself have never been but I would like to go one time!


So how does the garden do? Obviously, the resilient and fantastic Portulaca are going great guns.


One of them decided to have an apricot and pink moment. I really love these plants. I bought some more this week, as well. Of those, I would like to mention this portulaca, which was found at Bunnings named “Christmas Colour” and was the expensive sun of $2.84. Your local Bunnings may have some, or none at all.


If you want to try Portulaca this is a cheap way to get a more advanced plant than the seedlings. Mine has pink and red flowers, I did not see any white there, though they may have had some.


The nasturtiums which were not fenced off, as expected, went a little bit downhill, while the fenced off one was quite happy. They are now both protected.


There have been a lot of leaves and bark falling from the trees – we did a big sweep up and rake last weekend, and the chook leaf pile has grown. The chooks are not so sure about this – firstly, it is very noisy, compared to their already well worked over by chooks pile. Secondly, it is a lot taller. I can always tell when they are brave enough to turn over the newer scary leaves. The noise travels.


The garden bed is a mixed result. The Brussels are taking off somewhat. The chard, not so much. The baby spinach did not do very well and I gave up and pulled it out. The chooks enjoyed it.

I suspected one of the reasons the plants were not taking off in this planter box was the location. There is a tree next to our property which means that spot is in shade from midday or so until mid-afternoon, then the shade kicks in from other trees, and this spot did not get as much sun as these plants would like.

I said to The Other Half – can you move the planter box? He said no, remember when we built it, I told you to pick the spot well because it would be too heavy to move later.

I said well, you really can’t go to Mars if you can’t move this planter box, with science. Pulleys and fulcrums and physics, and shiznit. I’m sure you can manage it, with science.

And manage it he did, with a sack truck and a crowbar. The Other Half can now go to Mars! We’ll see how it goes with more sun.


Finally an update on the Penstemon – ours is called Sour Grapes.


This plant baffled me for some time, growing taller and taller but no actual buds appearing.


Last week, they finally arrived. It was worth the wait.

Would you like to join in with Sunday Selections?? The rules are very simple:-
1. post photos of your choice, old or new, under the Sunday Selections title
2. link back to River at Drifting Through Life, somewhere in your post
3. leave River a comment so that she knows you’ve joined in and can come over and see what you’ve posted.

Also Linking Up With

Sunday Snap @ JibberJabberUK

garden, Sunday Selections, weekly wrap up

Some Blog Housekeeping


Feed Bundles

If you have dropped by the blog lately, you might have noticed a couple of new things in the sidebar. A while back, someone asked me if I could put together a list of my favourite blogs. I finally got around to doing that, but then I thought.. I should not stop there. So I have created 4 bundles.

Favourites – The 100 blogs in my Faves folders.

Main Blogroll – 152 of the blogs listed on my main blogroll.

Updated Often – the remaining 16 feeds from my main blogroll who sometimes post more than 2 posts a day.

Test Drives – All the 315 blogs I am test driving (current as at 30/11)

The reason for the Updated Often bundle is because if I put those blogs in with the other blogs, sometimes you’d see anywhere between 3-16 posts in a row for the same blog which works ok in the bundle but does *not* work ok when I’ve put all these bundles as RSS feeds in the blog sidebar, showing 20 posts at a time for each bundle. So I just pulled those blogs out and put them in their own bundle.


So, if you are looking for new blogs to read, you can check out the bundles. If you click on the links above it will take you to the bundle page where you can scroll through and see if a photo or title catches your eye. This is one reason many people recommend putting a photo with each post. If your feed is partial, people will probably not see any of your images, they might only get a title and some text.

Blogroll Update

While I was doing the mammoth task above, I also went through the blogroll, updating it to the most current list yet. I added * to the blogs which are in the favourites folders purely to make it easier for me to keep track of them when I update the blogroll in future as the process is a bit of a nightmare.

What is the difference between Main Blogroll and Snoskred Favourites? It is pretty simple. In my feed reader I have many folders. I organise it this way for two reasons – so that I can keep track of the monthly new feeds and so that the blogs can be read in bite size chunks. That is important when you are reading nearly 600 of them. It looks like this –


Blogs in my favourites folders are simply the ones I want to read first. They are the blogs that I sit down with my morning coffee to read and enjoy enormously – both the coffee, and the blog posts.. They originally would have started out in other folders.

It might have been one post – like this one from rusty duck – I remember reading that post and moving that blog to favourites simply because I was intrigued and thinking I want to watch this garden journey.

It might have been a feeling that developed over several posts. It might be once I read the favourites folders, I found myself heading to their folder wondering “Did X post something today?” – that is when I know they have to make a folder move.

It might be that they comment on my blog regularly. It might be that I love the subjects they are writing about. It might be that they own chickens or have gorgeous pets. It might be that I feel a kinship to them. It might be many, many other things.

They are from all kinds of places – Australia, Canada, the UK, Europe, the USA – Hawaii has an unfair share of people in the favourites folder. There are many different kinds of people. They write about many different subjects, food, family, fashion, travel, gardening, chooks, photography, astronomy, living frugally, living life, television and more.

I might not love every post they write. There might be some posts I scroll past quickly. In general though, 99% of their posts I do enjoy.

I usually try to leave test drive blogs in their original folders until their 6 months is up, but there are times I know a blog has become a favourite and I move it ahead of time. October already has 3 blogs which have moved into favourites.

Blogs not in my favourites folders are not less interesting to me, nor does it mean their posts are not read by me. There is every chance tomorrow they will be yanked out of their present folder and into “faves11” which does exist and is waiting for blogs to appear in it.

Blogs in my favourites folder rarely move out of there, and they are rarely unsubscribed from. I will tolerate some things from my favourites which I might not tolerate from a main blogroll blog, and I certainly would not tolerate at all from a test drive blog. Like what, you ask?


There I am, on a peaceful Friday, scrolling through my feed reader.. and all of a sudden, a massive Huntsman photo appears as a surprise to me. Seriously? That is Not Cool, people. I hit unsubscribe within moments, then removed that blog from my blogroll and my Inoreader bundle. My skin was crawling for several hours. Ugh!

As a blogger, I am well aware that people are reading what I write and viewing what I post. I know there are people out there who fear these particular creatures. I would never, ever, post a photo of a snake or a spider on my blog without using a Read More tag. I’d write a little thing at the end of the post that said “Hey, I’m about to post a photo of a spider (snake) so if you are ok with seeing that, you can click here to see it”.

I guess I will have to start working on my next reasons I unsubscribe post. :) Here the current ones – 14 Reasons and 10 New Reasons I unsubscribed from blogs.

However if a favourite posted a spider pic, I’d be annoyed, sure! I’d still have the skin crawling thing, but I’d get over it and keep reading the blog. This is not an invitation to my favourites to start posting that kind of thing, please don’t do that. ;)

Going Forward

I’m going to try and only touch the blogroll and bundles once a month when I do the new feeds post. Right now, I unsubscribe somewhat willy nilly but whenever I do it, I go in and remove the blog from the blogroll if it was there, and I remove it from the bundles. This has resulted in occasional chaos, so it must stop. :) I might make a new folder and call it unsubscribes, to try and keep track of them.

blog housekeeping, feed readers, Inoreader, New Feeds

New Feeds November

New blogs to the feed reader since October 31 –

Bee Haven Acres
Eight Acres
floral typings
Framboise Manor
Frugal In Derbyshire
Global Roaming Blog
Henny Penny Lane
I’m Switching Sides
Infinite belly
Love, Jay
Our Happy Acres
Pastimes, Passions & Paraphernalia
Steph’s Green Space
Sunnybrook Farm
Two men and a little farm

Welcome to my feedreader, bloggers.

There are 21 of you. In my internet travels I found my way to your blog, often because I read a blogger who linked to you. I liked your blog a lot. While there, I probably read back about 40+ posts or so. Then I added you to my feedreader.

Most of you will know what a feedreader is, but in case you do not, click here for info. The quick run down – it is an awesome program which collects new articles that bloggers post. So when you post something new, I get a copy, and if I have the time and something to say, I will click through and comment.

If you want to get a feed reader, I highly recommend Inoreader, which I have been using a lot lately. I wrote this post – how to get started with Inoreader.

At the end of 6 months or so, if I am still loving your blog as much as I did when I added you to my feed reader, I will add you to my permanent blogroll. YAY!

A Note For Bloglovin’ People

Did I follow you this month on Bloglovin however you do not see your blog listed here? That means you followed me, I followed you back, but I did not add you to my feed reader. It is probably not you, it is me. :)

If it *is* you, it might be one of the following things – you use a partial feed – your rss feed did not work or was not found – I did not love your content – your blog was not interesting to me – you use too many photos and/or gifs – your blog is written in a language I do not understand – too many sponsored posts or affiliate links. You can always contact me and ask why.

May New Feed Review –

And it has now been six months since May, so this month I have gone through the review process and the blogs which I am keeping are these –

A gluttonous wife
A Year In My Garden
Almost Posh
An Exacting Life
Breathing Space
Happy Retiree’s Kitchen
Knocked Over By A Feather
Laws of the Kitchen
Lucy eats
Sixth In Line
The Muffin Queen’s Closet
The Weekend Foodie

Why did I unsubscribe from 12 of the 24 blogs? The reasons are as follows listed in no particular order – taken from my blog posts 14 Reasons and 10 New Reasons I unsubscribed from blogs.

Blogs with a partial feed– I’m Not Feeling It – Where Are You? – The Content Went AWOL – and I have to add a new one – 404 not found – their blog just disappeared – this happened to two blogs on the list this month!

New Feeds

Sunday Selections Week 48


Christmas at Domayne can be very sparkly!


It can also be somewhat costly. This Christmas Deer was $34.95.


I really love the whole look, the white tree, the gold sequin balls, the sparkly pastel teal leaves.


The deer jars were quite awesome. The small teal feather wreaths would be awesome on my front door. In fact my Mother who strongly dislikes Christmas almost bought one.


Who would not love a sparkly deer?


These peacock feather Swarovski crystal tree ornaments are stunning!

It is worth remembering, this time next month, Christmas will be over for another year. :) Are you looking forward to Christmas? Got any big plans?

Sunday Selections

Would you like to join in with Sunday Selections?? The rules are very simple:-
1. post photos of your choice, old or new, under the Sunday Selections title
2. link back to River at Drifting Through Life, somewhere in your post
3. leave River a comment so that she knows you’ve joined in and can come over and see what you’ve posted.

Also Linking Up With

Sunday Snap @ JibberJabberUK

Sunday Selections, weekly wrap up

Sunday Selections Week 47


Today I am sharing some Adelaide Zoo pics from 2004 with you. First up, some lion cubs.


Look Mum, here are all my toes!


When the lion cubs were getting a lot of attention, Amani the other female lion took to tree climbing around feeding time, drawing a huge crowd to her and away from the cubs.


People loved to watch her..


We used to love going to the zoo every weekend, but we now live too far away from any of the zoos for regular visits.


If you live anywhere near Adelaide Zoo, you might want to check out their memberships, starting from $43 for kids, $68.50 for pensioners/concession, and $99.90 for adults – plus a $25 joining fee per family.

The benefits of membership are huge – the biggest one being – you can visit both Adelaide and Monarto zoos 365 days a year for free you want, plus you can visit the zoos in Melbourne, Werribee, Healesville, Taronga, Dubbo, Perth for free. If you are planning a trip to Sydney, a single visit can be over $50 now.

Melbourne Zoo and Sydney Taronga Zoo both have memberships available with the same benefits – Sydney is a little pricey.

Join In With Sunday Selections

Would you like to join in with Sunday Selections?? The rules are very simple:-
1. post photos of your choice, old or new, under the Sunday Selections title
2. link back to River at Drifting Through Life, somewhere in your post
3. leave River a comment so that she knows you’ve joined in and can come over and see what you’ve posted.

Also Linking Up With

Sunday Snap @ JibberJabberUK & Maple Hill Hop


If you are looking for a rock version of Hello by Adele, look no further. Lukas Rossi has you covered. You might remember him from Rockstar Supernova.

Bread Tags


I had no idea these were not a worldwide phenomenon, until I read this post by Kathy G.

Speaking Of Baking


It has been a hot week here in Snoskredland. Daytime temperatures have hovered somewhere between 30-45C (86-113F) so there has been plenty of ice making going on inside, and ice melting going on in the chook pen. I’m using the ice spheres and the large square ice cubes. I’m also keeping water cold in the fridge to go into the chook pen. When the water is cold and a couple of ice spheres are used, even in the big heat of the day the ice lasts a good couple of hours.


The frozen water bottle in the chook water was an experiment – I was not sure how that would go. I used water out of the tap – it was cool but not cold – and placed the frozen water bottle in it. Within a few minutes the water began to get cold. I went back to check on it an hour later and found the water was icy cold and the water inside the bottle was back to water, so I put it back in the freezer for use another day.

On super hot days I do not let the chooks out of the pen until the major heat of the day has passed – somewhere around 3-4pm – because left in the pen, they will spend more time dustbathing which is something that cools them down. When I let them out, they eat the grass, chase bugs, look for interesting things to eat, and run back and forth in the sun. These are not behaviours that keep the temperature down.

Chickens, Sunday Selections, weekly wrap up

Sunday Selections Week 46


Today I will like to share some photos of the current state of the candle shelf. The first and most obvious change – there are now 3 fake flowers in my vase. One of them is an Apricot Rose. I’m not sure what kind of flower the two purple things are, but I like them. I wrapped them together with some jewelry wire. I left the stems long because I did not want the flowers too close to the flames but the flowers have now developed a significant bend, so I might have to reconsider this.


But wait, did all the colours just change? What the?


I found these submersible LED light changing tealights at a local shop. At 4.95 for 4, they were great value. They are the kind of thing you would put in a table centerpiece for an event and they are seriously awesome. Depending on how long the batteries last in the first 4, I plan to pick up at least 2 more sets this week.


When we last visited this shelf, there were 7 candle holders. Now, there are 16. That is a significant increase! But wait, Snoskred. Have you been burning 16 candles every evening? No, I’m not. That would be pretty wasteful.


Along the front of the candle shelf there are 10 candle holders which sit on a ceramic tray from IKEA. The other 6 candle holders sit behind those. Out of the 16, there are 14 candle holders I most enjoy using..


Before I got the new LED tealights, at the start of each week, I would place one candle in each holder. Each night I would choose 4 candles to light. That would mean you got a different effect each night. On one night – either a Friday or Saturday, I would light up 12 of the candles.


With the new LED tealights I’m going to be able to put on a bigger light show each night without wasting too many candles.


When buying the candle holders I have tried to make sure there is a wide range of colours – there is a green crystal skull, a red and orange mosaic candle holder, yellow, green, pink and purple candle holders. There are also some reflective metal holders with shapes cut into them. You can see the stars being thrown onto the wall from one of those, which has an LED tea light in it.


I am on the lookout for a couple of Christmas related items here over the next couple of weeks – maybe a sparkly and reflective tree.. (see update below!)


I think the shelf is at maximum capacity now, and I may start rotating the candle holders on a weekly basis if I find more items that I need to buy.. So there you have it, the current state of the candle shelf. :)

Would you like to join in with Sunday Selections?? The rules are very simple:-
1. post photos of your choice, old or new, under the Sunday Selections title
2. link back to River at Drifting Through Life, somewhere in your post
3. leave River a comment so that she knows you’ve joined in and can come over and see what you’ve posted.

Christmas Cards –


I was at Kmart doing some wandering while The Other Half had an eye test – turns out he has almost perfect vision, of course! – and I saw these beauties. In past years I never sent Christmas Cards but this year I am more into cards and I will be trying to send one to everyone in the family. I also thought if any of my readers would like a card, I would send them one.

If you want a card from Snoskred, drop me your postal address via my contact form, and I will post them out soonest to make sure they arrive by Christmas. It may not be one of these cards pictured above, I might surprise you with something different, it depends on how many I need to send. You might find another surprise inside, as well.


I also picked up a couple of these for my candle shelf at the massive price of $2.50 each. They are at the back inside the metal IKEA candle holders. :)

Sunday Selections, weekly wrap up

Sunday Selections Week 45


I have to give a big thank you to River for having a succulent garden and making me think I might like to try growing succulents. I have never grown them before. You may recall, I chose some Portulaca. In the photo above you can see how they looked on the 20th of September.


And here they are just one short month later on the 20th of October. They have taken off like mini rockets.


Above you see them on the 21st of October – as you can see, each day can make a huge difference in the flowers that appear. Some days there aren’t any but there are always loads of buds growing and so the suspense of when each flower will open is lots of fun to watch. :)


I had no idea how much I would enjoy watching their progress. These Portulaca plants have been an absolute revelation for me. Every morning the first thing I do after putting on my glasses is head to the back door to see whether they have any new flowers for me today.


You can see two of the plants are reaching out branches to each other..


I do have a routine of watering. Every second day, I give all the plant pots a good drink of 1 litre of water poured into each pot from some 2 litre milk carton friends I kept and drew a line on.


I am very careful not to wet the leaves, just the soil. If it is a hot day, I will usually do this about 3:30pm because around that time it is pretty shady out there thanks to a tree in the right spot. Around 20-30 minutes later, the sun peeks out from behind that tree and things get hot again.


On the alternate days, once the sun is on the way down, around 6-7pm, The Other Half waters with a hose – not a long water or a soaking, more like a sprinkle.


The flowers are truly gorgeous and there are many different colours. So far a lot of pink, yellow, and two different apricot shades have appeared. I’m sure this plant has many more lovely flowers in store for me this summer.

Would you like to join in with Sunday Selections?? The rules are very simple:-
1. post photos of your choice, old or new, under the Sunday Selections title
2. link back to River at Drifting Through Life, somewhere in your post
3. leave River a comment so that she knows you’ve joined in and can come over and see what you’ve posted.

I’m also linking up with Sunday Snap over at JibberJabberUK –

Sunday Snap

And the Maple Hill Hop.

Weekly Wrap Up –

It has rained almost every day this week. Sadly when it does rain, the portulaca flowers do not open! This has caused many sad moments here. However the chooks are having an absolute blast out there digging for bugs in this weather.

I discovered some submersible LED colour changing tealight “candles” this week and I’m a huge fan, they are gorgeous. I will have to update you urgently on the state of the candle shelf soon. :)

Sunday Selections, weekly wrap up