When you move..

What do you pack first? Do you think whatever that item is must be the most precious to you?

As I type this, my office room has a sad echo. There are only two books left on my shelves – Feng Shui which I’ll need for laying out the new house – and one by my bedside. The rest are packed away in 6 boxes. I won’t see them again for a good couple of weeks. Every time I do this, it is like saying goodbye to much loved friends. Even though it is only a short time I will miss them and the freedom to pick any one of them up and return to wherever they take me when I open them.

The book I never pack, the one I always take with me from the house in my hands is the complete works of Jane Austen. That’s mainly because my complete works of Shakespeare is heavier than your average teenager and just as difficult to co-exist with.

Today we had to take a little trip to Sydney. You may recall that I am quite well endowed. For a girl, I have an enormous..


A rather unfortunate event took place when the other half decided to go out and photograph some lightning recently. The lens fell off the tripod. Of course being that it is such a large and expensive ($3,700AUD) lens, we have it insured as a specified item on our insurance policy, so it is covered completely. But being the camera nuts that we are, we (and by we I mean me) did not want anyone but Canon themselves touching it. So we drove to their head office in Sydney.

On the way we had to drive past Lone Star, so we stopped and had lunch YAY! Then we had to drive PAST Ikea, which was possibly the hardest part of the trip. I did not shed tears but it was almost a very sad moment until I remembered that I would not be happy to leave the car in the carpark on its own.

The head office of Canon is no small place. It was at least 5 stories high, and quite posh and impressive. Unfortunately they seem to suffer from a lack of carparking for customers who want to visit but despite my urge to remain with the vehicle and keep it safe from any door flingers who might park near it, I wanted to go inside. So for the very first time since we bought the car, it was parked in a normal carpark without one of us keeping watch over it. Yes, it’s been a while. ;)

The estimate for fixing it is $1,200. It’s worth it but it is difficult to show you why it is worth it without you being here in person looking at printed out versions of the photographs at full resolution.

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photography, Sydney

9 thoughts on “When you move..

  1. I’ve moved numerous times (which I hate) and I always pack my books first. Since my books are my babies, there may be some truth in that.

  2. Ouch, $1,200.

    When my car was new I was paranoid about where I parked it. I tried to park next to nice new cars – figured they’d be just as careful as me about banging doors against other cars – and avoid old crappy cars. However, once you get that first scratch or dent, you don’t care anymore (at least after fretting over it and wanting to kill the person that ruined your nice car).

  3. Yikes! That’s pricey – but definitely worth it.. I’ve heard those cameras are just incredible. Puts my $99 Aldi camera to shame!

  4. Wow, you don’t waste any time. You just go the new place and you’re already moving out? Sweet.

    I’m moving Saturday. That means I haven’t packed yet. That means movers will be here and I’ll still be taping boxes shut. That means I better get moving.


  5. All the best in the new place! you are not moving into a city, are you? that avoids a trouble of renaming your blog to “Life in the City” :-p

  6. Books first, cds second, dvds third, then the board games, excess crockery and glassware, clothes last of all and some of those just get stuffed into pillowcases to be used as pillows in the car if the trip is to be a long one. Military moves are often interstate and we kept driving while the kids slept on their pyjama stuffed pillowcases. Although I never did learn to drive so it was all up to K. to get us there. Often enough I woke from a nap to find us parked in a rest area with K. snoring against his door. Heh.

  7. I pack the dining room and spare bedroom first and they get unpacked last. I’m hoping to not have to do it again since we just made our 5th big relocation move and it wore me out. I still have boxes to unpack and we moved in April! hmmm, think I’m procrastinating? :-D

    By the way, thanks so much for including my site as a new blog that you read. I truly appreciate it. :-D

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