Smart Thinking

I’m so excited about this Empanada box. Even Mitchell could make these. :) I ordered two as soon as I saw it because I like the traditional beef but it has olives in there, The Other Half will not like those. He got pulled pork. This will be a tasty dinner for us next week plus there is enough there for me to take the parents half the batch.

This is smart thinking – Ola Chola tend to do a lot of food markets many of which are now cancelled but this way their customers can make their food at home. I wish a lot more food stalls would do this.. it would be awesome.

My parents are a bit cuckoo also. Dad called me Thursday morning and said hey, the reject shop are advertising toilet rolls for $7.50 for a 24 pack. It starts today, he said. Can you go and see if they have any? Well I did need to go to the post office so I said I would do a loop of the shops just to see if they had any. I asked one of the staff – did the toilet rolls come in? Yes, they were here at 8:30 and gone by 8:31. Don’t know if we are getting any more.

I did the full loop of all the supermarkets, I did not find any toilet roll. Insert Fail Whale here.

I had to do a second run to the post office late Thursday, we had to take the parents car to be serviced on Friday, Saturday we went nowhere at all for an entire day and it was sheer bliss except for the fact that I spent the entire day doing business admin work plus uploading photos to our website and listing products.

Sunday we had to do some deliveries for my business which turned out to be a 4 hour round trip with multiple stops along the way but not a single toilet stop yay me! On the way home I called the parents, they needed juice and bread so I dropped the other half home – he is finishing a Uni assignment – and I ran off to get those things.

I think now is a good time to do some goal setting. I’m making use of to-do lists for business admin related things but Saturday marked the last of those tasks at least for the time being, so it is a good time to set some personal and also business goals. We will check in on these on Wednesday!

1. Clean up my computer desktop – personal

Clearly this job needs doing, I am a couple of files from having no space left!

2. Dust my bookshelf – personal

No photo maybe once it is dusted because it really needs it!

3. Sort out the studio shelves – business

Also no photo and boy does this job need doing as a matter of urgency. If everything has a home it is much easier to put it back home each time.

That is three tasks for three days, I think fair to keep it small to begin with. Plus I do not know – I have some stock that has landed in Sydney and if that rocks up here it could eat into my time somewhat, plus customers. But let me add a bonus goal –

4. Have one uninterrupted afternoon coffee – personal/business

This past week we’ve not had one afternoon coffee time that was sacred. People called or popped in or suddenly ordered something which needed to be packed and posted – that was Thursday because one lesson I have learned – never post something on a Friday or Saturday.

In coming weeks I would like to –

Clean & sort the store room – business

Clean the bathrooms & toilets – part business part personal – the business has a toilet and bathroom, we have one just for us.

Reorganise the wardrobes

Empty the drawers out to rescue my earrings that fell down the back & clean off the top of the drawers.

Hang the acrylic pourings (this is an Other Half task)

Put up a picture rail in the studio (also an Other Half task)

If you want to set some goals on your blog I will be excited to read them and encourage you to reach for them. :)

You can check in with some other folks blogging through Corona at –

Moving With Mitchell
Dkzody’s Weblog
High Riser
Sean at Assholes Watching Movies
Joanne @ Cup On The Bus

Should your blog be listed here? Leave me a comment and it will be next time. :)

COVID-19 2020

Exponential Growth

Seems Scomo can’t go a day without saying something quite stupid but in this case he really put my cat among the chickens.. what I sell are not puzzles but they are pretty dang close. This has been our busiest week ever. I now sit here with paper and a pen so I can write down what people are ordering then go and put everything ordered aside once an hour or so, otherwise I’m just up and down all day and I don’t get much actual work done.

Plus I have been waiting on stock which comes from China, so all of that is thoroughly sprayed with anti bac spray once it arrives here. Not much of it has been, because there are not a lot of planes flying at the moment. I did get a big delivery in yesterday and much of it is already gone. Great for the business, great for the people being kept amused, it is keeping me very busy and I need to make sure I take actual breaks. People can just message me, arrive in my driveway, I’ll bring their stuff out, they tap their card and away they go.

I actually hit tilt today though.. There is only one of me and only so many trains I can keep running on the tracks at any one moment. I’m going to get an early night and start again tomorrow. I might need to aim for a day off and a day out soon, too.

The parents needed some items today plus I had to go post some things to customers so armed with my trusty facemask, hand sanitiser and anti-bac spray, I was off. The only thing I could not get was sultana cake mix – the shops here have completely sold out of cake mix.

I found toilet rolls! My parents think I am a superhero lol. I was just lucky to be in the right place at the right time, but I know there are folks doing a loop of the local shops several times a day – they go to Aldi, little Woolworths, Big Woolworths, Coles, IGA, and then they do it all over again.

We have everything we need here already – though I did grab some extra milk and green capsicum enough for 3 weeks of pizza today – but it was a lot of hard work to make it so, and who knows how much risk was involved in that.

For some idiotic reason the supermarkets here turned off online shopping very early on when online shopping could actually be the answer to this whole problem – stop the people endlessly going to stores, stop those who are bulk buying toilet paper because you only deliver once a week to each address, and stop the risk of having to go out in the world among the other people. Protect the supermarket staff from all the germs, remove the cash from the equation..

But I guess the big brains in charge aren’t thinking outside the box.. :)

I do not have to leave the house again until Friday morning when I have to drop the parents car off to be serviced, but then it will be back here pretty quickly until we have to go and collect it later that day. I will update you again on the weekend!

You can check in with some other folks blogging through Corona at –

Moving With Mitchell
Dkzody’s Weblog
High Riser
Sean at Assholes Watching Movies
Joanne @ Cup On The Bus

Did I miss you, should your blog be listed here? Leave me a comment and I will make it so. :)

COVID-19 2020

Life Is Somewhat Different Now.

This week I focused on the pantry, fridge and freezer. First we did a stocktake of these places on Tuesday..

Tuesday night Scomo (our useless-in-my-opinion Prime Minister) announced that nail salons would close midnight Wednesday. I immediately messaged my nail lady and booked in for first thing the next morning. Look, there are very few things I do for myself when it comes to health and beauty and nails is the top of my list. I don’t do them for other people, I do them for me. I love to look down and see good healthy strong nails with a nice manicure. It is good for my mental health.

BUUUUT The Other Half was very unhappy that I was going to the nail salon. Every time he has been past there people are packed in like sardines. The only way he would agree that I could go was if I would wear a mask. I did already have fabric masks on order from a lady I know who does Markets – Besgrove Embroidery – they were due to arrive on Wednesday but it was only Tuesday. You can still order them via her Facebook page if you want one.

She had put a post up late last week and boy did the keyboard warriors give her a scolding. So much so she took the post down, but I had already ordered mine and also told everyone I knew, some of whom wanted to order them. We ended up doing one package to me and I gave them out to the folks when they got here. We’ve added some copper wire to ours to keep them in place over the nose.

But my Mother had told me, she had some old not used surgical masks from when Dad was unwell in 2011, and I figured those would still work just fine. So I dropped over to pick one up first thing Wednesday.

It turned out three of the five people in the nail bar were people I am in regular contact with through my business and I had spent two and a half hours in their company on Monday night, so that certainly eased his mind somewhat. I also had brought along spare masks for them to keep and use in the coming days, at least until our fabric ones arrived.

I already had a haircut booked in for Wednesday- my normal “chop it all off before it begins to get too cold and I have to use the hairdryer” appointment. My hairdresser and her daughter are both customers of my business and they were also here on Monday night. They were the only other people in the salon, which eased The Other Half’s mind a little. I was in and out of there in 45 minutes.

While I was sitting there I realised.. The Other Half isn’t going to let me back out to do anything else, so I better run all the errands I can before I go back home. I went to one supermarket for milk, bread and potatoes. Milk was limited to 2×2 litres. I went to a cash and carry bulk buy place for beef mince, chicken breast, more milk and calamari. I managed to get eggs there too. Then I dropped all of these groceries at my front door for The Other Half to de-germ, while I headed out to one last supermarket.

All three of the supermarkets I went to, there were other people wearing masks, some of them quite elaborate and fancy and in one case like a genuine wartime gas mask.

You cannot smile at others while wearing a mask, because they cannot see your mouth. You have to learn to SMIZE as Tyra Banks would say. Smile with your eyes.

When I got to the final supermarket a fellow mask wearer congratulated me on my wearing a mask – finally another sane person she said. Is it sane? I’m not sure, but I’m not taking any chances here. I will err on the side of caution. I will sanitize and disinfect and take off all my clothes and wash them right away in the laundry – which I did as soon as I got back from the final supermarket. I will not go to Bunnings on the weekend unless it is a true hardware emergency. I will only go to the supermarket if I must.

Speaking of supermarket musts, that same Wednesday at 6pm the pair of us headed to Aldi for one final shop. There wasn’t much left in the way of meat but we did manage to get almost everything we wanted with the exception of tissues and green capsicum (peppers) – they did have some but they were Not Great.. I think we are good here for at least two possibly four weeks now.

We did use the hand sanitizer a lot, and I am lucky because I love Bath and Body Works so much, I have a very good supply of that and hand wash here at home. I stocked up on our last visit.

Thursday, I had to post something to a customer, so while I was out I sourced tissues and also grabbed bread and milk for the parents. I dropped that in to them plus a “mighty roll” of paper towel.

Thursday afternoon I went to the Berry Farmers Market. It was like a big chess game, with boxes drawn on the ground and you could move to the next box when it was empty. I got more eggs, some more mince meat and steaks, and then some incredible veggies, really enormous carrots and scored some brussel sprouts yay. Here is a photo from the Kiama one which was set out the same –

The fridge is now completely full. The freezer has a little space left but not much.

Friday was a day at home. Saturday we had deliveries to do, and these went from here all the way to Campbelltown. The one rule I made for myself at the start of this – NO public toilets at all. I will not go into one. And while we were out for almost 5 hours, I did manage to adhere to this rule. That brings us to today, another stay at home day..

So anyway since I wrote the above there have been developments. We are now supposed to stay at home.

Now all the days will be stay at home days. In many ways this is a good thing. I guess we’ll see what happens next. But we certainly were prepared for this announcement. Do I think it will stop the folks endlessly traipsing from shop to shop looking for toilet paper? No, I don’t.

You can check in with some other folks blogging through Corona at –

Moving With Mitchell
Dkzody’s Weblog
High Riser

If you would like to be added to this list, just leave a comment on this post with a link to your blog.

COVID-19 2020