What Happens In SnoskredLand?

There’s a chook lurking back there!

So much stuff, almost too much to type. Things are very busy and I am not sure when I will get back to regular blogging. In the meantime, here are a few tidbits that might eventually work their way into posts of their own.

– We got a new fridge, which is all fridge no freezer.

– The reason we most needed the new fridge – eating so much of our food prepared from scratch takes up a lot more space

– Buying things in bulk saves us money but things like potatoes keep better and longer in the fridge.

– I have been shopping for clothes at my new size and you can bet that is going to be a post by itself.

– I have discovered a new snack – peanut butter spread on apples. I like to eat this at 9:30pm while watching Tabatha’s Salon Takeover reruns on the Style channel on Foxtel. The Other Half believes this is a freakish snack, not eaten by “normal” people. He has never seen Tabatha’s Salon Takeover, but I am sure he would think that is freakish as well.


– We have had so much rain, the chook pen is a flooded mess. This means we are in the process of planning a new chook pen.

– The chooks have been getting a lot of treats as a consequence. They had lactose free yoghurt today.

– The colonoscopy did not happen as scheduled. Unfortunately all the “low fibre” foods I was told I had to eat to prepare actually cause a lot of irritation and inflammation in my bowel. I would have been better off sticking with my protein shakes only but they were “not allowed” even though chicken and eggs were.

– We have been revisiting the 80’s and 90’s musically – our car stereo is like a Delorean, taking us back in time.

– My oldest nephew has decided to become a pilot. This is terrifying news for me but happy and great news for him.

– The chook pen rebuild may mean less time for blogging but I will try to keep you updated.

Reading – Persuasion by Jane Austen, previous to that I re-read Game Change which is such a great book about the 2008 election campaign. It is not just about McCain/Palin as it was in the movie – it covers the democrat side fairly comprehensively as well and says some very revealing things about the Clintons. Worth a read if you like US politics.

Watching – Season 2 of Billions – Season 6 of Homeland – Big Little Lies which is just amazing.. I loved the book but the show is even better.

Drinking – We did an overnight trip to Sydney recently for a wedding and I had a glass bottle of San Pellegrino sparkling water. It was perfectly chilled and in a glass bottle which made it feel very fancy and awesome. The next day we were at Costco and they had a 24 pack of San Pellegrino in 500ml plastic bottles on special so I bought it and once a week or so I treat myself with one.

Eating – just cooked the first Brussels Sprouts for 2017 tonight. So glad they are back on the shelves!

I’ll try to post at least once a week for the next month, we’ll see how it goes. This post might actually inspire a few more to be written. :)

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7 thoughts on “What Happens In SnoskredLand?

  1. I am LOVING this series of Homeland! I think it’s probably the best thing on TV right now. Each episode feels like it’s 2 minutes long as it’s so engrossing! I’d watch 4 hours of it at a time, let alone one hour! I hope the chooks are OK, bah humbug to the rain.

  2. Actually, peanut butter on apples is extremely common in the States. Well, peanut butter on anything really. :)

    Look forward to more on your clothes shopping adventure–I’m havin a few of my own!

  3. I’ve tried peanut butter on apples and I don’t like it. I prefer my peanut butter in celery sticks.
    I don’t recall being asked to eat only low fibre foods for my colonoscopy. I remember eating only “white” foods for a day or two, then clear foods for a day or maybe two, like jelly, (but not red, as the colour could imitate blood in the bowels), then there was the days of drinking that awful salty mixture.
    I hope the chooks aren’t too upset about being flooded out. A raised chook house might be a way to go.

  4. Life does get busy at times. I look forward to seeing photos of the reconstruction of the chook pens. As you are going to mention clothing sizes, I bet you have dropped one or more.

  5. You’re so busy…I had to look up what a “chook” was, I wasn’t familiar with the word! I’m sorry you have to go through the colonoscopy…but at the same time I hope you can get it over with…I used to drink Pelligrino every day! Where we live, we can’t drink the tap water so we have to buy bottled. Those huge jugs of water, to me, are just too sweet, I don’t know…so I opted to drink Pelligrino instead, but it is a little expensive, I found a cheaper mineral water now called Montellier. I’m making Brussels Sprouts tonight! :)

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