Sunday Selections Week 52


I have to get serious about going through the old photo folders next week – this week I only have the one shot for you. It was taken in 2006 at Ulladulla.

Would you like to join in with Sunday Selections?? The rules are very simple:-
1. post photos of your choice, old or new, under the Sunday Selections title
2. link back to River at Drifting Through Life, somewhere in your post
3. leave River a comment so that she knows you’ve joined in and can come over and see what you’ve posted.

Weekly Wrap Up –

Over the past few weeks here, we’ve had what seemed to be an explosion of white tail spiders in the house. They always seem to crawl along the cornices on the ceiling. At one point I recall three within 24 hours, and that is three too many for me. So we came up with a plan for Christmas Day.

As we were going to my parents house, we decided to take the kitties with us and insect bomb the house while we were gone. This might seem like a simple concept but it is a huge task for a lot of reasons. First you have to put all food preparation items eg toaster, kettle, plus anything edible away safely, plus pack away anything you don’t want exposed to the insect bomb fumes, eg your toothbrush. Then, packing up the cats, their water fountain, their kitty litter tray and tent, and ourselves. It took us an hour and a half to get out of here.

Grumpy had a super great time exploring my parents house. She especially loved the staircase. Happy was quite a scaredy cat and hid away in the kitty litter tent for most of the time.

Returning home after several hours involving many prawns, lobster, ham, pork, turkey, and eventual pavlova and coffee, we locked the kitties away in a safe room while we did a lot of cleaning and vacuuming. All the exposed surfaces needed to be wiped down. We worked for a couple of hours with music playing, then I somehow managed to cut my hand in a deeply inconvenient spot – the back of a knuckle. The Other Half finished up the cleaning soon after that.

We were not planning on going anywhere for the next 4 days, however this morning I said I would like to get myself a new laptop lap desk and a mouse, so we went to Officeworks. They only had one lap desk but it was exactly the right colour.. YAY!


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Sunday Selections, weekly wrap up

8 thoughts on “Sunday Selections Week 52

  1. The tree against that sky is just beautiful.
    I have one of those laptop desks, mine is black and dust covered from being left behind the TV unit. I should use it, but I’m uncomfortable having something on my lap while on the couch, (it’s too deep and none of the cushions are supportive enough) and on the table it doesn’t seem necessary.

  2. I do like what you’ve done to your laptop cover…it’s inspired me to dig out those some of those stickers I got when we were in Hawaii :)

    Also – is that some of the spahkly duct tape? ;)

  3. Boooooo even though i don’t mind spiders as you know. .white tailed spiders is where i draw the line. Nasty things. I would have to pack the snakes up with the dog and all the kitchen things..ugh

    Exhausted thinking about it. . Love the photo!

  4. I’d love to take my cats to my cousin’s house with me, but she’s 5 hours away and I worry that the cats would be traumatized. The one cat that I know wouldn’t have any issues passed away last year, unfortunately, and I’m not confident any of the others would go well with the trip. But she LOVES my cats, so I might try it with one or two, one of these days.

  5. I love the starkness of trees in such light. We have a road nearby going out to the flat lands of the east and I particularly like it at this time of year when the light is so soft on the trees.

    • Me too – usually I would not take photos into the sun, at least that was a photography “rule” I was once taught. However with a digital camera there are so rules, and experiments sometimes turn out great. :)

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