Secret Snoskred


Share a secret not shared on your blog before

I am a huge Sons of Anarchy fan.

I found the series late – only last year – but I devoured the 6 seasons that existed in a very short space of time, and have been eagerly awaiting season seven which started in September.

The show is dark, which you would probably expect, being about a motorcycle club.

But it is also, in its purest form, a soap opera about a motorcycle club.

Some of the storylines are so soapy, they would not look out of place on The Bold and The Beautiful. But that is part of what makes the show so brilliant.


My favourite character is Tig, played by Kim Coates.


Though of course Jax, played by Charlie Hunnam, is fascinating eye candy to watch.


Do you have a secret to share?

Do you love a TV show that I should add to my must watch list, or do you have a secret to share? Let me know in the comments!

About Snoskred, NaBloPoMo, NaBloPoMo 2014, television shows

A Cup Of Tea


Do you like a cup of tea?

Snoskred loves a cup of tea. Bizarrely, her favourite brew was invented by Kevin Rudd, former Prime Minister and foreign minister of Australia. Dude can’t delegate work to others or run a country without getting backstabbed by his own political party, but boy can KRudd blend a tea. He won a competition back in 2011 for his tea blend..

Originally meant to be a limited edition for just 12 months, the Australian Afternoon Tea proved so popular that it is now a permanent member of the Twinings range.

I am not a fan of KRudd at all, but I love this tea blend, and I recently picked up 100 bags for an insanely low price which will last me quite some time.

When and why?

I do not drink tea daily. On a day that I drink it, I will usually brew a cup mid to late afternoon. Rainy or cold days are more likely to result in a cup of tea.

What else do you put in it?

I like honey in my tea as the sweetener. Something magical happens when you combine honey and tea.

For some teas like the Australian Afternoon Tea and various forms of black tea I will use a dash of cream if I have some, milk if not.

For teas that are more herbal in nature like the Madame Flavour range, Cinnamon and Orange, Lemon Ginger, green tea or fruit flavoured teas I will only add a touch of honey and no form of milk or cream.

Here are some of the teas in my tea cupboard –


Overseas readers – want to try the Australian Afternoon Tea?

Shoot me an email to snoskred {at} gmail {dot} com or contact me via the Contact Form with a postal address – don’t leave it in the comments for safety reasons – and I will send you a sealed Australian Afternoon Tea Twinings tea packet, from their range where you buy 10 foil sealed teabags in a box! Make sure to include your blog address if I don’t already read your blog, so I can add you to my feedreader.

Do you like a cup of tea?

Leave a comment to let me know -or write a post on your blog and link to this post. :)

About Snoskred, Aussie Culture, food, NaBloPoMo, NaBloPoMo 2014

Shoe Cleaning Station

If you have been reading my blog for a while, you might remember my very first Shoe Sunday post – I showed you where my shoes live.


I do own a lot of shoes, and every single pair gets a regular clean. What I usually do is wait until a rainy afternoon, when I can’t be doing anything useful outside, and all my other chores are done for a bit, so I do not feel even a tiny bit guilty about spending a good couple of hours with my much loved shoes..


First up, I cover the work space with a floor mat – the kind you might use in a bathroom. It is good to use something with a bit of thickness to protect the work space, as there will be times when I am removing stones from the shoes with a metal nail file. I always make sure to have a pair of nail scissors and a metal nail file handy at my shoe cleaning station, because your shoes may have some surprises for you.. like this –


I recently sat down with a couple of freshly arrived TV episodes – Homeland and Downton Abbey, my anti-bacterial wipes because there is a lot of flotsam and poopsam on the soles of shoes. The outside of the shoe get a decent wipe down, the place where my foot sits also gets a decent clean, plus the soles get a really thorough scrub. Here is a pair mid scrub, you can see the suds. I’m using the Kirkland Antibacterial Wipes from Costco.


Below you can see one clean sole, and one ready to be cleaned sole.


I cleaned 13 pairs in the space of a pleasant couple of hours, while watching teevee. Once the shoes are clean, they are placed on a clean towel so they can dry off. These shoes all went off for a photo shoot right after being cleaned, for future Shoe Sundays here on the blog.


Tell a story about your shoes on your blog, and link up below!

get the InLinkz code

germophobe, health, Home, NaBloPoMo, NaBloPoMo 2014, Shoe Linkup

NaBloPoMo Reminder


When I set up my linky thing, I did it wrong. Thanks to Claire from I will eventually do or say something interesting for giving me a heads up – I have fixed it. You can now add a link to your blog instead of a permalink to a post. :)

I am having a super hard time finding people who are going to take part this year, and the official site still has not posted anything for November yet EDIT – It is finally up here. Everyone has till November 5 to add their blog to the blogroll here. One of the best things for me about NaBloPoMo in past years has always been finding new blogs to read.

I will be trying to comment on as many NaBloPoMo blogs as possible. I’ve set up a google alert for NaBloPoMo to help me find participating blogs. Each day I’ll drop by as many NaBloPoMo blogs as I can to leave a comment. I’ll be adding participating blogs to my feed reader.

So if you are going to take part, or you know someone else who is, or you have a blog yourself, can you let people know about this link up? ;)

Unlike a regular link up – Please link to your BLOG URL, not to a post. :)

get the InLinkz code

November is National Blog Posting Month. To participate, you write a blog post each day for the month of November. The home of NaBloPoMo can be found here. Though, it does not seem to be run by the same people it once was, and they are doing monthly NaBloPoMos there, and there is still no November post! :(

Here are some other NaBloPoMo posts I have found thus far –

The NaMos are Coming! The NaMos are Coming!

How about 30 days of blog writing in November?


NaBloPoMo/Nano Poblano: Important Info! – which led me to –

Team Pepper gets spicy right here, Nano Poblano

Nano Poblano

NaBloPoMo, NaBloPoMo 2014