NaBloPoMo Commenting Challenge.

I am having an absolute ball here, you guys. There’s so many great blogs out there. Almost every one I read I am touched by in some way. And finding something to comment on with every blog I visit actually helps find that connection.

Sephy will tell you, he used to not feel comfortable commenting on blogs. I talked him into trying this, challenged him really. Now he’s setting himself goals of reading so many blogs a day and commenting on all that he can, and he’s enjoying it as much as I am, I can tell.

Thank you NaBloPoMo bloggers, for signing up, and blogging. And thanks to all my usual read bloggers, who inspire me regularly. You make me laugh, you make me cry, and you’ve snuck your way into my life somehow. I hope this post inspires you to comment on the blogs you read in future. It’s like blogging every day – once it becomes a habit, you just do it automatically.

The only problem is, I have bookmarked so many blogs to go back to, when I get around to putting them in the sidebar it’s going to be 10 times bigger than it is now.. ;) I started at the bottom of the alphabet, and Sephy started at the top, by the way.

challenges, NaBloPoMo

Holy Cow

You know, blogging every day myself would actually be easier than reading all the blogs in NaBloPoMo but of course, I was too late to get in on it. So now.. I have to try and read.. wait for it.. drumroll.. 2037 blogs. That equals 101.85 each day.

I managed 22 yesterday. I’ve done 25 today. Why is it taking so long? Because I like to read what these people have to say. And these people are blogging every day! And some of them have been blogging for a long time. So the ones that really interest me, I’ve bookmarked them for future reading purposes.

Reading blogs is something I do a fair bit of. It’s easy when you’re a regular reader – and when you don’t have a job to go to ;) I use firefox and bunch them into little groups in their own folders. I tend to like to try and stick to 8 per folder, and then I just open them in tabs and read them all. I also like to comment a fair bit, usually because what that person has to say speaks to me.

But I kinda set myself this challenge of commenting on *all* the NaBloPoMo blogs I visit, and I don’t just want to leave a copy and paste comment, what would be the point of that? I am copying and pasting the NaBloPoMo thing though, it’s really annoying to type that all the time. :)

But I have about 10,000 unread emails, and lads to hook up with baiting, and a lot of stuff to do, so I don’t know if I’m going to make much inroads into these blogs. But that’s ok – I will just try and get through 20 a day, and keep going till I’m done. Good plan!

But then, some of them are really interesting, and I am bookmarking them to read them later, too. So by the end of this, I might have a bookmark list longer than your average roll of toilet paper. This might mean I have to cut down on the regular blogs I read, and visit them less often. However that’s probably ok too. Many of them don’t blog every day, so I’m not missing stuff by going every few days really.

I don’t have the energy to make a list of the ones I bookmarked right now, but I got through all the number blogs today, and I did Z, X and Q yesterday. In case you’re wondering.

commenting on blogs, NaBloPoMo

A challenge & housekeeping

You probably all know about NaBloPoMo – I got in too late and by the time I found out about it I’d already missed a day. However, I’ve decided to set myself a personal challenge of visiting every blog on the NaBloPoMo list, and leaving a comment, if I can. Want to join in the challenge? Say AYE in the comments.. I’ve already found a few great new blogs to read.

I’ve done a bit of moving stuff around on the sidebar today – the about me stuff has been moved to the top for a little while so you can read all about me if you like. Or ignore it, if not. ;) I’ve also added a bunch of new blogs I am reading. I don’t know if anyone uses the sidebar or finds it useful or looks at it, let me know if you think there’s too much there.

In other news

– A man in Adelaide said to his relatives that he thought he may have been bitten by a snake while gardening, and that he would go to the doctor “tomorrow” – he did not live to see tomorrow. Yet more evidence that some men would rather die than see a doctor.

– Britney Spears has dumped Kevin Federline. YAY! Good on you Brit. And ladies, let us not judge too harshly, we all have at least one K-fed in our past – as in a man who used you for money but you put up with it as long as he satisfied your needs.

– A young driver who was the only survivor in a nasty car crash has now been charged. Nothing the police can do to him will stop him from blaming himself for the rest of his life. Kids should not be allowed to load up a car with their mates and go driving. They need to focus on what they are doing. I feel sorry for this kid, his family and the families of the kids who were killed.

In The News, NaBloPoMo