but here I sit with a headache and a cup of tea that has half a drop of Doterra fennel oil added to it. And I know within the next 20 minutes this headache will vanish, because this is not my first fennel oil rodeo, my friends.
FYI unlike a lot of oils, Doterra oils are safe to use internally AKA drink.
Yes, I have become one of *those* people. If by those people we mean someone who tries something once, finds that it works for them, and keeps doing it.
The person who introduced me to Doterra specifically is one of those *other* people – by those other people I mean an anti-vaxx conspiracy theory nut. She certainly wasn’t one of those to begin with but Covid has sent her in that direction to the point that I have muted her on my Facebook feed. Not that I ever get any time to read my Facebook feed these days but when I do, I don’t want it to be full of nutty conspiracy theories.
Note to all – there is a feature on Facebook called snooze for 30 days – I usually hit that first. When Facebook unsnoozes them, if I read one of their posts and think wow, really? I then hit unfollow but remain friends. Occasionally I actually unfriend but that is rare.
Now this next thing I am going to tell you will sound even more wacky. I know this! But, I can’t believe how this little iTovi scanner thing fixed me.

Recently I was put on a new medication. It solved the problem I had, but.. one of the side effects of this medication for me was jaw clenching. It was so bad that I would wake up with a headache, and my doctor advised me to see my dentist for a mouth guard.
That same week I saw my Doterra lady. She has this neat thing called an iTovi scanner. What is that?
The iTOVi Scanner sends the electrical signatures of the essential oils and supplements to your body. Your reaction is recorded at that moment and matches them to your unique electrical signature. The iTOVi then provides you a report of the top products you respond to best.
Yes, I know. Wickety Wacky Wack. But we did a scan, and the number one oil my body needed at that time was pink pepper oil. I did not know why, but I put it in the diffuser all the same. The jaw clenching began to lessen and particularly overnights when I put it in our bedroom diffuser. Intrigued, I read up on pink pepper oil.
The combination of the chemical components Limonene and α-Phellandrene in Pink Pepper may work with your body to soothe and relax the nervous system when used internally.*
All day every day, I drink plain soda water. So I added a couple of drops of pink pepper oil to my soda water, and the relief from the jaw clenching was incredible. I’ve been drinking pink pepper oil in my soda water ever since – it has been a good couple of months now and it has solved the jaw clenching for me.
Those of you who have been reading the blog for a while know I don’t have much in the way of glass in the house because I tend to be very good at breaking it. However oils are best consumed from glass. So now I have some of these mason glass jam jars –

I like to add a drop of tangerine as well some days, just to give a touch of citrus.
The bottom line is, our individual mileage may vary on things like this. When I find something that works for me – whether it be a medication or a natural remedy – I’m going to make use of it. Even if it sounds wickety wack crazy. :)
I have a friend that swears by Doterra.
Doesn’t sound wacky at all to me. A few years ago, while helping our daughter’s church with vacation bible school, I was going up and down stairs three or four times a day and my sciatica flared up. A friend of my daughter was also there, co-directing the VBS. and commented that she knew how much I loved geraniums and she wanted to give me a bottle of geranium oil. She, too, is a doTerra rep. When I asked her what geranium oil was good for, she didn’t know, just that she knew I liked geraniums. Okay…I went back up the stairs and Googled geranium oil only to read that it was good for muscle pains, etc. I took the bottle, went back down the stairs and straight to the restroom where I applied some of the oil. By the end of the day I had no more pain. I’ve used geranium oil ever since and seldom even remember that I have sciatica.
Whatever works, within reason.
Glad you found things to help with your pain!
I’ve had a cough for the last 4 or 5 years. I’ve been using peppermint oil in my water – it seems to soothe my throat.
Hasn’t cured it – darn it! – but it makes it calm down a bit.