Year Of Buying Nothing Update #9

Keeping the tally – Our record thus far – January, February, April, May, July = nothing bought. March, June, August, September = something bought. Out of 9 months, four = a buy month.

No Spend Days

Clearly that goal of 10 days was an epic fail. :/ 19 spend days.

I have never seen anything like that. :( I will not like to see it again!

No Spend Goals For October

For the remaining three months of the year, the spend goals are grocery shopping only and four spend days a month. My spending saboteur AKA my Aunt has returned but I need to be strong and just say no to.. well, everything.

Grocery Spending

Coles – 132.34
Aldi – 432.09
$total $564.43

Bulk Foods $111.99 <-- Over Budget Our Coles shops should be much less for the remainder of the year - to get our 10,000 points we stocked up on chicken roasts which are now in the freezer, and the only thing we *really* need to buy there these days is eggs, and the occasional vegetable which we couldn't get at Aldi.

Grocery Spending Goals For October

October has 31 days = $620
Bulk food budget $100

September Thoughts

I discovered that the moisturiser which I liked to use on my face was being discontinued this month, which sent me into a bit of a panic. I’m the kind of person who sticks with that thing she likes and if I had known in advance I would have stocked up. By the time I found out it was too late and not available at all.

I have to say I am a bit annoyed with the store because they closed their local store and moved everything into another shop they have, and they promised me faithfully I would still be able to get the things I liked. That has turned out to be a lie. :(

But sometimes one door closes and another door opens. I found a much better cream, which I like a lot more. I’ll tell you about that when I tell you about the Canberra trip.. soon. :)

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5 thoughts on “Year Of Buying Nothing Update #9

  1. Stores always seem to get rid of foods and drinks I like. First I can only find it at a couple places, then one, then it goes away. I haven’t had that issue with creams though. I usually use Oil of Olay and that’s easy to get everywhere!

  2. Not sure my other comment posted! Everything I seem to like gets discontinued, which makes me feel like I’m very out of the mainstream. It’s usually food or drinks that are in several places, then 1 then 0. Just when I get accustomed to something, they get rid of it!

  3. Your first line does NOT add up to $304.98, it’s only $166.95. Surely you can’t be including the last few days of August in your September calculations!
    I have a problem with things being discontinued too and I search other stores until I find them again. In the seven years I’ve been here, my local Woolies has discontinued about a dozen things that I buy, so I’m about ready to give up on them altogether and walk the few extra minutes to Foodland which still has everything I like in the brands I prefer.

  4. I would love to do this just for the spreadsheets. I LOVE spreadsheets. I know how you feel about your moisturizer. I’m the same. I had a cologne I used and loved. I became known for it at work because everyone said I smelled so good. They’d buy it for themselves, their husbands, fathers… and it never smelled the same. Then they stopped making it! I have never found one I like as much… and it’s been more than 15 years.

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