
Dexter is finally being shown on channel 10 this weekend so if you’re in Australia and you haven’t seen the show make sure to tune in. ;)

Thursday used to be my favourite night of the week because Dexter was on. Since the show is currently filming season 3 it isn’t appearing on Thursday nights at the moment and frankly I am bored on Thursdays now. So much so that this recent Thursday I got out my Desperate Housewives box set, and I’m reviewing season one. That is also a great show in a slightly different way.

They are repeating Dexter on other days and I am making sure to catch as many of the episodes as I can. ;) This Sunday at 5:30 Season Two begins again on Showcase. I had recorded most of season 2 so that I could watch it anytime but I missed the first few eps, so I am looking forward to getting these recorded.

desperate housewives, Dexter