Halloween? I Don’t Think So! This Is Australia, Right?

I live in Australia. Contrary to popular belief, Australia does not = America. Halloween is not something that was ever celebrated in this country as I was growing up. It was a virtually unknown about holiday other than seeing it on US TV shows.

One day around this time last year, I was sitting at home waiting for my Mother to come and pick me up. The doorbell rang and expecting it to be her I answered the door. I was surprised to find several children who immediately said “Trick Or Treat. No, surprise doesn’t quite explain it. I was SHOCKED. So shocked that I had no idea what to do other than say “wait a minute” and I ran to see if we actually had any lollies in the house.

We are not big fans of lollies at all. There was nothing in the cupboard. Faced with the prospect of disappointing these kids, I looked in the fridge to see if maybe we had any chocolate. I found a bag of snack size chocolate treats that we kept winning in these chocolate machines – the skill tester ones? The other half loves those but neither of us eat the chocolate you find in there – they don’t put Lindt in for those of us who cannot stand the common “Cadbury” chocolates. There was probably $10 worth of chocolates in there and I figure we don’t eat it, I’ll give it to these kids.

It wasn’t until my Mother had picked me up and I was telling her the story that I realised – these kids didn’t have costumes on! They were just wearing normal clothes. I had been SCAMMED by trick or treaters who didn’t even bother to put effort into making a costume – and the same kids had got lollies out of my Mother too! You see how easy it is to get yourself scammed, people? ;)

It’s ok though, the other half told me later he thought the bag of chocolates I gave to these kids had been in the fridge for about a year, so.. Parents, do you know where YOUR children are or more importantly, the origin of the treats they might receive this Halloween? Hopefully they’re not ringing my doorbell – I won’t be answering it today.

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embarrassing stories, scams

20 thoughts on “Halloween? I Don’t Think So! This Is Australia, Right?

  1. I’m not a fan of Halloween either and can only think that the only reason why Australia would take it up, is because some business will make money out of it. And that’s all these sorts of things are about, money!

    /rant for today! lol!

  2. I’m with the Duchess on this one completely. The way these inane holidays keep showing up around the world never ceases to amaze me. It reminds me of wandering through Bangkok and seeing Christmas decorations plastered all over everything in 100-degree heat ~ in a Buddhist country.

    The term “cultural imperialism” comes to mind. :)

  3. While I like Halloween overall, I do NOT like trick-or-treating. It’s a hypocritical practice. We teach kids all year long not to take candy from strangers, then on Halloween we dress them up and make them beg for candy from strangers. I don’t get it. I also don’t get parents parading their infants around trick-or-treating, when they obviously can’t eat candy, or teenagers old enough to buy their own candy walking around with a half-assed attempt at a costume (regular clothes and a bit of makeup). Besides, I have better things to do than answer the door every 5 minutes – like watch The Simpsons Treehouse of Horror.

  4. I’ve had door knockers on this day. The one time I answered the door I wasn’t prepared and I’m not a Halloween fan because I see the whole ‘candy’ thing as American not Australian, so I said Trick. They didn’t know what to do, so just left. Last year I remember not answering the door and it will be the same this year. Damn cheek!

  5. I live in a back of block unit, so I feel safe from trick or treaters, but when I lived in a house, I posted a sign saying No trick or treat here.
    I agree with Kirsten on the candy from strangers angle. It’s just not right.

  6. I’ve made a sign for the door that says no trick or treaters!!! I have had to spend the afternoon explaining to the children we don’t have “candy” in Australia nor we do we celebrate Halloween!

  7. I’ve politely turned a group of 5 children away from my door tonight. All of them under the age of 8, no adult in sight, 2 out of 5 had token costumes on, while 3 were still in school uniform. I thought about giving them an apple each, but knew that would be a waste of money as I’ve talked to them on other occasions and know that none of them eat fruit. They live on junk food so giving them lollies (even if I did have any in the house which I don’t) would hardly be a treat.

    I wish I’d been as clever as Jen and said Trick!

    And while I’m on a roll, remember when there was no Valentines Day in Australia? I don’t remember Father’s Day, and I don’t even remember Mother’s Day until I was teenagerish. It’s a retail conspiracy.


  8. Halloween is coming to Norway, too. Half-heartedly. Most older people are completely unaware and don’t know what to do when trick-or-treaters ring their doorbell. It is pretty funny, actually.

    But in all honesty, I think Halloween is a little odd, as well. I am not entirely sure what it is we are celebrating…

    My kidlets, having grown up in Canada, love it, and I can’t blame them. They get no homework that day, get to dress up, get lots of candy and stay up late. Which 7 yr old wouldn’t love that?!


  9. Aww, Halloween is fun! The kids are cute in their little costumes and their bewildered faces as they try to figure out what to do. You people are Scrooges (if Scrooge were a Halloween character, which he could be what with the ghosts and all, but he’d be like a zombie who eats brains for Halloween dinner and doesn’t give out candy or share his brains).

    As I was saying, it’s pretty innocent fun the way we do it around here.

  10. I love that in our area Halloween party’s are huge. The kids get the fun of Halloween (dressing up, eating junk) and no one is really inconvenienced. The kids daycare had a “fancy dress” party this afternoon. There was nothing referring to Halloween, just kids in costumes, face painting, jumping castles, a disco. All the high school kids of the carer’s got involved blowing bubbles for the kids and chasing them round. We had a bbq (yay no cooking!) and drinks, and in an unusual step for the centre, it didn’t cost parents a cent.

    Mind you I haven’t had any knocks at the door tonight. I always have a packet of fun size chocolates in case, but rarely need them, and never after 6pm.

  11. Ha, I just read your blog after seeing it on Bloglines, and it seems like we’ve both been scammed in the past by non-costume wearing kids! Grrrr! We’re not American! We don’t trick-or-treat. Go home!

  12. Oh, I hate it – last year bought in bags of chocolates for the inevitable trail of junior warlocks and witches, but none showed – couldn’t waste the chocolate though, could I? This year I am not buying any, not wishing to tempt myself again in the case of a quiet Hallowe’en – though no doubt there will be dozens of callers, and eggs on the door, but too bad. :-(

  13. I’m not a Halloween fan – I have to agree with Kirsten on many of her points. It’s hypocritical and makes me wonder what we are teaching our kids. I also think that of Santa Claus and Christmas too. Why do we teach kids there is a being who is all knowing and give him God-like qualities and who doesn’t give their kids gifts even when they haven’t behaved the best? So, I really don’t get most holidays. I know, I know, bah humbug. But just being honest. But back to my regularly scheduled comment – Those kids deserved to get old candy from you! LOL.

  14. You know, sometimes it’s just fun. It doesn’t have to be hypocritical (don’t take candy from strangers and then here, go beg from strangers). We gather with friends for a party and good times, then go to our neighbors’ (all of whom we do know) for treats. It’s a good time. The kids have a blast dressing up and being a character and having a bit of a break from the normal hum drum of life.

    We really enjoyed connecting with friends and neighbors last night, and the kids get such a kick out of it.

    But, this is the US here and it is a tradition here.

    Plus, it comes from All Hallows Eve and today is All Saints Day. Dia de los muertos, too, for those of us in Latino worlds.

    I am LOL a little about those kids getting old rejected chocolate. I bet it’s tweens on a lark. They get bored and go on larks easily sometimes.

    Using My Words

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