It Is That Time, Again..

I just got a call from the AEC about working at the not-yet-called election. They are expecting it to be mid-May.

I had already been thinking about whether or not I wanted to work at this one. I mean with COVID being a thing, is this really something I want to do? At the last election I was second in charge of the booth and that brought with it a series of roles I had not done before, but I did enjoy almost every minute of it.

On the other hand, it has been many years since I have been able to spend a Federal election night at home with a great piece of cheesecake and Antony Green. I had this pleasure a few weeks ago at the South Australian election and at the end of it Antony said he had an announcement and scared the heck out of me. I thought he was about to retire NO NO NO this will never be allowed.

Sure the money would be nice. I could maybe treat myself with an overnight trip to Sydney or Canberra or something fun like that.

I’m still of two minds but I can take a little time to decide – it does not appear our PM is planning to call the election anytime soon.

For those of you in Australia thinking of giving election work a try, click here to register. It is 100% worth a go.

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