Friday Funny 1


I know if I wanted a bike, I would want one without leeks that does not miss a beet. :)

Sometimes I wonder what the heck is going on with education in this country. Then I wonder whether it might just be auto correct. Then I decide whether to laugh or cry. Sometimes I do both!

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6 thoughts on “Friday Funny 1

  1. As someone who is a real stickler for grammar, punctuation and spelling, this makes my brain hurt and I want to cry. (And I read this sentence three times to make sure I didn’t make any errors!)

    • This kind of thing also hurts my skull brain. The only thing worse is “delete if not aloud”. Was it aloud for you? Sure wasn’t for me. :) That one combines bad spelling with a lack of bothering to try and find out what is allowed and what is not. ;)

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