Getting Organised


Sometimes you just need to de-clutter and reorganise. This process is happening all over my house at the moment. Everything from getting a new fridge to cleaning out the cupboards to reorganizing my wardrobes and letting go of a lot of clothes that no longer fit me, and welcoming in new clothes, shoes, even underwear that does fit.

Part of this process which came to me as a surprise on a recent Saturday was organising our movies. There are a lot of movies which The Other Half likes which I do not enjoy, and vice versa. We went through the list to organise my movies into two groups – watched, and to be watched.

After the sorting, I now have a directory on the server with over 70 movies that are marked “to be watched”. These are movies I have never seen that somehow got lost in our movies directory. When I would go in there to pick something to watch I would often get tempted by something I have already seen and love, or there would be so much choice I could not choose.

My plan now is to work through these movies one by one. After I watched the first one, I thought maybe I would keep a little list, maybe once a fortnight – or once a week depending on how much watching I get done – and post it here on the blog. I might organise it similarly to how Zandria does her book posts, but maybe with loved, liked, disliked.


Here is a fridge preview – on Monday next week I have a post where you get a closer look.

Movies and maybe some music will be Wednesday posts for a while, going forwards. I am slowly getting my blogging mojo back. ;)

Similar Posts:

blog housekeeping, Home, movies

10 thoughts on “Getting Organised

    • The other Half is very pleased with this new organised wardrobe thing, because he got his entire side of the walk in robe back. My stuff had been creeping over there secretly in the night when nobody was looking and then breeding like rabbits. ;)

  1. Spring does that to me, de-cluttering and re-organizing. The rest of the year I have zero interest in that! Oh gosh, we have 2 4-terabite hard drives filled with movies and I’m sure I haven’t seen half of them lol…Alex is a huge movie buff and he’s seen almost all of them. We have a nice after-dinner ritual where we sit in bed and watch a movie together, it gives us some nice relaxing together time.

    • Rain – we sorted the movies into mine and his, and then sorted mine into watched and to be watched, so now I can go into the to be watched directory and everything there is ready to be seen. ;) It makes life easier especially when I am one of those people who loves certain movies to the point I will watch them over and over, so to not have those tempting titles in the folder is very helpful. :)

    • Dawn – I think this might be a purely Australian thing which is slowly dying out here – in the USA you would tend to see a lot of side by side fridges. The single door large fridges are popular in the country areas but usually difficult for city folks to fit in their kitchens. ;)

  2. Good luck with it all. I’m similar to you – I tackle many projects at once when I get the mojo. I really need a declutter and a tidy up. We’ve lived here for 6 months now and I’ve got slack with organisation. I have the kick up the bum to do it though – 3 members of my family are coming to stay in 3 weeks, so that’ll light a fire under me!

    • Thanks Leah! ;) It is starting to feel pretty awesomely tidy here and as we are going into winter I really need that mental boost of everything being tidy and in its own home. Happy moments! :)

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