Housekeeping Note


Today is the day that my password protected post will publish..

It should be noted that Sephyroth guessed my password on the first try. Predictable, I am!

But unless you know me as well as Sephyroth does, or alternatively, you are psychic..

if you want to read the post today you’ll need to email me for the password

Send a quick email with the word password somewhere in it to snoskred {at} gmail {dot} com – Or use my Contact Form

Sephyroth is blogging again, and has posted a big update, if you want to drop on by.

The theme things which I wanted to fix have been fixed. If you can spot them, congratulations, because they were mostly tiny tweaks.

One other tiny note – I am going through old posts – they will fall into three categories – posts to delete, posts to keep and posts to update. I know there are dead links, videos which no longer work, and some negativity I want to remove from the WWW forevz.

Moving forward while looking back can be dangerous, I might trip over something. But I feel like it needs to be done, to move forward with the new improved 2015 Snoskred.

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About Snoskred, blog design, blog housekeeping, Password Protected Posts

7 thoughts on “Housekeeping Note

  1. Sorry, I am not sure I at all understand. What are you writing that needs a password? Your blog reconstruction is very confusing but I do understand that you have remade your blog, which is puzzlingly in itself when there is such good off the shelf products, such as blogspot . Why? Isn’t blog writing free open and easy? I thought your blog was interesting and I would have back read at some point, but reinventing, restyling, passwords……..It is all too over the top for me. My favourite blogs are where people write and show photos., without any complication or too much style. Actually, they have lots of style, because they have published without complications and too much information.

  2. Sorry, I am not sure I at all understand. What are you writing that needs a password? Your blog reconstruction is very confusing but I do understand that you have remade your blog, which is puzzlingly in itself when there is such good off the shelf products, such as blogspot . Why? Isn’t blog writing free open and easy? I thought your blog was interesting and I would have back read at some point, but reinventing, restyling, passwords……..It is all too over the top for me. My favourite blogs are where people write and show photos., without any complication or too much style. Actually, they have lots of style, because they have published without complications and too much information.

    Lordy, comment blocked because apparently I used the word ‘info’.

      • I have now removed the plugin that was doing this.

        Some of the plugins I am using here have not been updated in 6 years or so. Going through them one by one is part of the upgrading everything to 2015 process I’m going through here on the blog.

    • Hi Andrew,

      The things I wrote about behind the password are what course I am going to study this year, where I am going to be studying it, and a bit of info about what happened at the last workplace – I especially don’t want that last stuff out on the web right now as there is still a chance I might be taking them to court.

      I’ve been blogging for nearly 10 years now, and I’m pretty careful what I put out there on the web – for excellent reasons – my reason is I used to bait the Nigerian Scammers, and I don’t want to put my real name or address, or identifying information like where I go to school or work out there on the web for anyone cruising past to read. .

      There are so many reasons to be careful and the reasons get more and more as time goes on. While there are good sides to the web, there are also the very dark sides of it. For example, there is a website now where someone is trying to get racists fired.

      I agree with the sentiment behind it but things like this can go so wrong so quickly. Of course, an ex-boyfriend who was angry at his ex-girlfriend has now used this site to try and get their ex-girlfriend fired.

      Not even my own family members or people I know in real life – mother, father, sister – none of them know about my blog. Therefore I have blogged about them (in particular my sister and issues I have had with her partner) pretty candidly in the past knowing they would never read it. I feel now like I want to go back and remove that as some of it was quite negative.

      If you go back right to the start of my blog, there are a lot of dead links, videos which no longer work, photos which are hosted on blogspot which still show when you look at the post, but I want to host them on my own blog as I am not too sure how much longer Blogspot/Google will be around.

      Yes, blogspot is free, and I used to use it, but back in those days you were only allowed to use google ads on blogspot blogs and I disagreed with that policy, so I moved over to self-hosted wordpress.

      Blogspot may allow people to run ads now, but they do still has terms and conditions – you are bound by them and if you break them and someone flags your blog, you could lose all your content – all your posts, everything you ever wrote, in the blink of an eye, deleted. Want to know what the rules are? Here they are –

      Unfortunately a lot of bloggers I read who were gay, lesbian and trans lost their blogs a few years back, and no amount of emailing blogspot/Google got them anywhere. They could not even get their content back from Google, and they had not backed any of their writing up.

      Some religious nut in America decided he would report any blogspot blog he found whose lifestyle he did not agree with, and he had a blog where he would write about the blogs he got removed by flagging them. That was a really shitty thing Google did there, I don’t agree with it, and I would never move back to a blogspot blog purely because of how they treated those bloggers. – which is also a free blogging platform but much more customisable than Blogspot – welcomed those bloggers with open arms, thankfully. At the time, I was doing blog hosting and I was offering to host their blogs for free, because I deeply disagreed with what Blogspot/Google did.

      Google has made it very clear – if it doesn’t make money for them, they’ll get rid of it. They’ve got rid of google reader, they’ve got rid of feedburner, and it seems to me like only a matter of time before they get rid of blogger, too.

      The thing re the word info, I’ll check into that and see what might have caused that. It did it to me the other day too!

      I changed the theme on my blog. You could do that on your blog if you wanted, for free as well. I like my theme to be personalised and customised. Just like you have your own header image with your blog name High Riser on it, you can’t find another blog in the world using that, because you made it yourself, right?

      You are using the Picture Window theme, which is fairly up to date and uses the newest HTML and coding – it does all that without you having to think about it.

      My theme that I was using, was made back in 2007. HTML and web coding has changed enormously since then. Some of the parts of the old theme were no longer working the way they should, which is why I decided to change to a newer and more up to date theme and especially one that adapts for mobile phones and tablets.

      It isn’t a big deal really, but I do like to let everyone know when changes are going on because readers get used to my blog looking, well, like my blog. I took the blog offline for three hours or so while we worked on the theme, so there was some downtime.

      Plus, there were still some little things I needed to fix even after we let the new theme go live, and I didn’t want to get 50 emails from people saying “do you know you lost all your paragraphs” – yes, I knew, and yes, I knew it needed fixing. :) We had just run out of steam that night and thought we’d leave it to the next day.

      Never fear, I’ll be back to blogging on a schedule now. And if I do any more protected posts, the password will be the same so you can just pop it in if you’d like to read the post. If not, skip that post and read the next one.

      Anyway, that was probably more answer than you wanted, but there tis. :) I am emailing this to you, and I’ll put it as a reply to the comment as well.


      • A note re the password – all you have to do is enter it once, and any password protected post will automatically appear without having to re-enter the password (unless you clear your cookies, then you’ll have to enter it again :))

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