My Living Space


I suppose I am a little odd. Not everyone has a full size plastic skeleton hanging out in their lounge room. I know, that is totally unbelievable, right? Why doesn’t everyone have a Carter? :) But, we had some people drop by the other day and we are so used to Carter neither of us thought to warn our visitors they were about to encounter him. They were a little freaked out when they spotted him.

My recliner is the chair with the blue rug. Let us take a closer look.


Tissues, laptop, tv remotes, water glass, all within reach.

This space used to be cluttered, but I have streamlined, and also did a little re-organising, so all the things that would clutter up this space are now re-organised.


Hand cream, nail clippers and Sally Hansen Hard As Nails which I swear by, nail polish remover, cuticle tools, dental floss, general body care items that you might need in the course of a day are now living together in this cute basket I got from Hot Dollar.


This is what I see from my recliner. There are my trusty cordless headphones. There are my cotton buds. There on the floor is the pair of socks the little kitty picks up with her mouth and runs around with, then throws them on the floor and attacks them. They must have done something really bad to deserve this treatment! ;)


Here’s a look at my remotes, and my clipboard. That might contain a project I am working on – at the moment I have printouts of my blogroll, because I am trying to drop by and say hi to everyone on it. Other times, it might have todays To Do list on there.


It is blank right now, because I Got All My Shiznit Done! YAY!


Oh, why do I have a copy of the alphabet printed out there? I seriously am terrible at alphabetizing things. If I do not have that piece of paper, I do the mental abcdefg thing in my head, and that takes up more time than I would like, so I just printed it out and I keep it there, it works for me.

Next week on Friday I will be sharing my daily routine with you. I am really Getting Shiznit Done here, people, and it is all thanks to my set routine on weekdays. 4 hours each day of solid writing or chore time.

The post you are reading today, I wrote this on the 16th of September. On this blog I already have some blog posts – like the Wordless Wednesdays – scheduled out to December already. No kidding.

On the Rewatch Breaking Bad blog, I am writing the post for Season 2 episode 2 today. I’ve upped the posting schedule to twice a week and even so, that blog is already scheduled out to the end of September and this week, I am planning to write one post a day over there. If I can do that for 2 weeks, I’ll be scheduled out to the end of October very quickly.

Happy moments all around!

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About Snoskred, Carter

6 thoughts on “My Living Space

  1. I have an Edward. Related to your Carter I think. He holds a crazy gold plate with a rooster on it that my partner bought for him – his ‘golden cock’.
    Wow, that’s an introduction and a half. I am a buddy of Carly’s and was so touched by your comment on blogger burnout I wanted to pop by and say hi

    • Hey Nicole! :)

      It is awesome to have a skeleton friend. :) I wanted to buy him a glitter hat last week but the other half said no. I’ll have to wait until I am shopping on my own.. :)

      While I think blogging conferences can be awesome, I also think they can put unnecessary pressure on people to “perform” in a certain way. Some of the things make sense, like post regularly so people know when to expect your posts, scheduling posts ahead of time so if anything goes wrong you’re covered or you can take a few days off without worrying about content. These are decent and sensible concepts.

      The bit I don’t like is where it tries to turn people into something they are not, and of course the monetizing thing. That usually does not turn out well for most people. I was a bit worried when I posted that comment but I was so glad when Carly said it was what she needed to hear. :)

      Thanks for dropping by, I’ll add you to my feed reader and check out your blog which, at first glance, has one of my favourite colour schemes I have seen recently. In fact I am using similar greens over at my Breaking Bad blog. :)

  2. You have bathroom items in your living area?
    I would like to now where you got Carter, he looks so real and I’d like to get one. I could glue him to the front door in tattered clothing so it looks like he got squashed between the door and the screen door. And left to die. Then a sign saying this is what happened to the last salesman who tried to sell me something.

    • Carter is the Pose n Stay skeleton available at Costco. :)

      You might not see them in Adelaide this year, but they will certainly have them next year for Halloween.

      I’m planning almost exactly what you said for Halloween, except Carter will be hanging upside down next to the door, you’ll only see his skull and arms and hands peeking out from under the blind. My sign will say this is what happened to the last people who knocked on this door to trick or treat. :) We don’t do Halloween in Australia. Although, it seems like they are trying really hard to force it on us.

  3. The thing I’d love most about having a Carter is that I’d feel like I had company when I was watching TV but he’d never interrupt and spoil my favourite shows. Your organisational skills are second to none. I think I need to sort out one of those lady baskets for my living room!

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