New Reads July


Here is a new feature on the blog which will be seen monthly from now on.

Blogs added to the feedreader since 20th July –

Adventures in HEL
Alison Asher
And I Get Dressed
Blurb from the Burbs
Bright and Precious
clothes and shit
Coolin with kids
Curvy Canadian
Drifting through life
I’m a Big Girl Now
Little foal.
My Vintage Childhood
Not Afraid to Wear Heels
Pammymela |
Stylish Curves
The HauteMeal
The Je ne sais quoi
The Kitchen Magpie

Welcome to my feedreader, bloggers! There are 23 of you which represents 9 days worth of travelling the web and getting lost along the way but eventually finding my way to your blog, which I liked a lot. While there, I probably read back about 40+ posts or so.

At the end of 6 months or so, if I am still loving your blog as much as I did when I added you, I will add you to my blogroll. YAY!

Most of you will know what a feedreader is, but in case you do not, click here for info. The quick run down – it is an awesome program which collects new articles that bloggers post. So when you post something new, I get a copy, and if I have the time and something to say, I will click through and comment.

This month as I only just updated the blogroll on the 20th of July, these are new reads added to the feedreader in the past 9 days. If you are not listed here but I commented on your blog in the past 24-48 hours or so, check back late August and you will see your blog listed. :)

If you are looking for a feedreader for yourself, I’m not especially familiar with the latest ones out there as I use a home made version on our personal server, but maybe some of the commentors here can chime in with what they are using. :)

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blog housekeeping, New Feeds

11 thoughts on “New Reads July

  1. I don’t need a feed reader, the blogs I’ve signed up to follow via google are listed on my sidebar and each new post shows up there. Some blogs I follow don’t have google, they have some other method, so I add them to bookmarked list and access them via the icon.
    Thanks for including me.

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