Bring Your A Game..

Dexter season 3 begins today on Showtime in the USA. As a result there has been a fair few media interviews with Michael C Hall. I’ve seen him on various TV shows and there’s a few excellent interviews around the place.

And then, there are some like this.

The worst Michael C Hall interview, ever.

Even Michael C Hall wondered what the point of the interview was, asking at one point “Can I ask you a question? What is this article focusing on?”

Honestly, that reporter was not prepared and should not have wasted Michael’s time. I could have gone there with a thousand *excellent* questions. Like really good ones. Like stuff that would have produced interesting answers.

Here is one of the better interviews I have seen – warning these may contain spoilers if you have not seen Season 2 of Dexter.

Michael C. Hall: Dial C for Carnarge

Don’t forget – Michael C Hall Online – for all your Michael C Hall info and excellent pictures. ;)

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Dexter, television shows

5 thoughts on “Bring Your A Game..

  1. I enjoyed Dexter the novel and am just getting into the TV show. Usually the book is always better. You get a chance to use your imagination to build setting, character, and suspense.

  2. Oooh. I feel a tiny bit hypocritical here. I completely agree with Michael C Hall’s stance on his private life, and I agree also that the interviewer couldn’t really have done a worse job.

    And yet, when I found out about Hall and Jennifer Carpenter, my reaction wasn’t an indifferent shrug of the shoulders – it was something approximating OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!! etc. I’m afraid I have a shameful weakness for gossip.

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