Kayak Time

We finally picked up the kayak today. As such I am a little tired so I will just post a quick pic of it next to the car. Of course it is black and white because I’ve never put a color pic of the car here. ;) Click on the picture for a larger image.

The new Kayak

Tomorrow if I get a chance I will write about lessons learned from the first trip out. But we might be making our second trip out, so we’ll see. ;)

I will mention – it is more fun and even better than I expected. And we saw a huge stingray swim right under us.  I mean huge, it was bigger than me. We got a pic of it though the pic is a little dodgy you can clearly see the massive sting in the tail. I put an arrow to where the sting is.

stingray in the water

Up the top right hand corner of the pic you can see some of the body of the ray (not all of it, like I say it was huge) and near the white dot in the middle (which is an air bubble stuck on the lens from putting the camera in the water too quick but the thing was moving!) the blurry green section is some of the sand it is kicking up.

We’ll need to get the hang of using this camera – but someone was a little freaked out by the stingray. And for once it wasn’t me! ;) Some of the underwater pics are just plain odd to look at.

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5 thoughts on “Kayak Time

  1. Great photo, even if it’s a little blurry :)
    Sounds like you had fun and you’ve plenty more hours ahead of you to perfect the camera and keep us entertained with your great shots :)

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