Weekly Wrap Ups – On Holidays!

Weekly wrap ups have gone on holidays for the month of November. They are likely sunning themselves on a beach somewhere. Fear not, because I am still keeping links, and there will be a monthly wrap up instead this month.

But Why?

Well in case you didn’t notice November is a busy month, and I haven’t been well so I missed last week. I’ve been feeling like the wrap up is a chore for a little while now and not as many people as I thought click on the links. Perhaps I need to change it up a bit, write better descriptions or things to interest people in the links. I’m trying a new, potentially easier way of keeping links which I’ll let everyone know about, if it works out.

Now What?

I’ll be back later today with something potentially interesting, so drop back then. :) In the meantime if you’re Australian and you have not seen LOLPOLs yet, you may want to check it out. Just be warned, don’t put the pics on slideshow and eat or drink anything during it. I almost covered my screen in water when I saw this one. My absolute favourite? This one. The look in that baby’s eyes!

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