Weekly Wrap Up 19/08/07

On Tuesday this week, Sephy and I will be introducing a new feature to our blogs called Tuesday Think Tank. Each week we will look at one aspect of blogging and ways you can improve your blog. Sephy will be going into the technical stuff – how to do things you may not know how to do – while I look more at the blogger or reader side of things.

This week we’ll be looking at RSS feeds. I am in the process of clearing out my Google Reader, and I’m going to give you an insight into why I’m unsubscribing from blogs – it might help you consider why people would unsubscribe from yours. I’ve already written the article and believe me it’s a cracker, make sure not to miss it. ;)

Sephy will be delving into the more technical aspects of feeds – everything from how they work to how to put a subscribe icon in your sidebar. It will be most educational. So there’s a little heads up for you.

And now, the weekly wrap up.

Funny Search Terms This Week –

romeo juliet hair leonardo – His hair was fantastic in that movie. Juliet was not wearing her own hair- those were wigs, just so you know. She even had a special underwater wig. Yes, I watch dvd commentary tracks, I have all kinds of info like that on many movies. ;)

dazzleland adelaide photo – If you find it let me know, I would love to see one.

why do light globes explode in australia – Do they? I have never had this experience and I’ve lived here for 32 years.. hmm.. should I be worried? ;) If they did explode, would that mean we’re completely in the dark at night time or having to use lanterns or something?

why don’t you eat dairy cows? – Because they are good at what they do and not so good at being a steak?

why do some cows have udders and others dont – Because only female cows have udders? Male cows have something else where the udders should be.

stereotype of a reporter – They get stories wrong. That’s my main bone to pick with them.

what is the safest place to keep 5 million dollars? – I would suggest.. in a bank? Buy some real estate? Waterfront somewhere? Are you sure you’re not being scammed though? Where is this 5 million dollars coming from?

Here On The Blog –

I’ve been removing and moving things around on the sidebars this week. If you’re looking for something and can’t find it just shoot me an email. One thing I have changed is the blog archives. You now have a drop down menu which looks a lot neater. I have also revamped the About Snoskred section – it is now “Snoskred Is”. There are links to a lot of my older posts in there. I have reasons why I have done this, which I will go into in tomorrow’s post, if that is ok.

If you have any thoughts or suggestions on changes I should make to the blog or the sidebar, please let me know. ;) You can leave a comment, or email me.

This week I’ve talked about The Place We FoundGetting OrganisedFashion Challenged Kanye WestWeighty IssuesMy BlogoversaryBuying Your Own Domain & Social NetworkingWhat I Really Need

Past Snoskred –

It’s Big Cat week here in Past Snoskred. Travel back in time and read my thoughts about – Tiger Mating And Hand Rearing Tigers with some nice Tiger photos. ;) And this post, which is a little sad and you may need to BYO tissues – Wear Sunscreen.

Coming Up –

I have some posts pre-written but I’m not too sure when they’ll be posted. I might hang onto them for when we’re moving, if we do. I’ve been asked to write a guest post on check fraud over at I’ve Tried That, and I’m going to put together an actual check bait for the readers there so they can see how these scams work. I’ll post a link to it when it is published. I’m always willing to guest post on scams, all you need to do is ask. ;)

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11 thoughts on “Weekly Wrap Up 19/08/07

  1. Nice round-up! I spent so long over at the list of 113 blogging tips, I almost forgot I was here! Hehe, thanks, I always enjoy your round-ups!

  2. I also enjoy your weekly round ups (and thanks for including me!). I was a little bit sad to read about the raccoon though. He made a very bad mistake.

    I will make sure my Mommie wears sunscreen as a tribute to Jacunda!

  3. I’m from Adelaide and the Dazzleland Adelaide photo search term refers to a sort of sideshow thing that was on an upper level of the Myer Centre building in town. It’s not there anymore because nobody hardly used it.

  4. i’m back! it is taking me a while to catch up on reading and comments, but i’ve missed all my bloggy friends!

    i wish i needed to know the safest place to keep a million bucks! LOL

  5. I used to watch movies with the Director’s Commentary on. But then I did it with Braveheart. And I have to tell ya, Mel might be a decent actor, but he’s dull as dishwater when it comes to Director’s Commentaries….

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